Monday, March 01, 2010

In Like a Lamb: Trees and Sunny Plans

Eugene has been having delightful weather for the past month.

The fruit trees are convinced the false Spring is the real thing, and are waking a month ahead of schedule. The cherry trees are in full blooming, and some are already losing petals. Peaches are newly blooming. Pears are about to break bud. Apples are starting to bud.

Fortunately, the bees are also awake. If there is no late freeze then the fruit trees should be okay.

I spent much of the past weekend gardening. It was both the optimal weekend for spraying fruit trees with sulfur (to prevent rust) and cutting back ferns.

Saturday night I also finished my Math 20 Lecture Slides! The final two are here. Woo hoo! I did very little blogging in February because this project ate all of my computer time. But they are finally done.

Now all my Math 20 pedagogy is in the slides that form the incomplete drafts of lecture notes. All the techniques I normally use to explain the math topics are there for students to see. All of my commentary is there: I've put down in text my collection of thing I've found I say each term. The problem solving process is emphasized in each chapter. Now each lecture ends with a discussion of a useful study skill.

Henceforth I can teach Math 20 without worrying about neglecting something I once learned was helpful in teaching but forgot during one of the terms I teach Math 25 instead of Math 20.

I plan to do more blogging in March. I have computer time once again!

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