I had a little time in the morning before my wife woke up in which I wanted to stay interruptible for when she awoke and wanted breakfast. So I did not want to resume that writing, but wanted to be productive. I decided to investigate an alternative to Wordpad for writing my HTML files.
I found PSPad, which is so far delightful. To make it little more than a syntax highlighter I had to do a little bit of customization:
- Switch the "Control Panel" to be a file tree, and hide it with Ctrl-F2 until I need it
- Hide the Project, Control, HTML, and Macro tool bars
- Hide the ruler
- Set the color for the right edge mark to the background color, to hide it
- Lighten the color of the current line indicator, so it's barely noticeable
- Turn on "auto hide left gutter" (options: program look)
- Turn off "auto open new file after start" (options: program behavior)
- Turn off "wrap (soft) with right edge" (options: editor behavior)
- Turn off "completion of chars ({[<"'" (options: editor behavior)
Now I have the simple syntax highlighter I want. The program does additional nice things I'll use someday.
- Instant HTML preview, with buttons to switch between all three common window sizes
- Change all HTML code to lowercase (I prefer this, it can also change to uppercase)
- Check HTML code validity
- Compare text differences between two files
- Spell check that ignores HTML code
- Color selector pop-up, not as robust as this website but quicker
I always pay my shareware fees. This is freeware, but I'll donate something if I'm still using it after a month. So far, so good, so I assume that will be true.
This blog post not only shares my delightful find with friends, but is my way of keeping track of those user preference changes for when I install the software on my computer at work at sell. Ha ha!