Monday, February 27, 2012

Gallat Approaching Nine Months

I've mentioned that Gallant now has two teeth.  What else is happening with him?

Teething makes his gums sore.  Some days he eats well, but usually only one or two meals.  Other days he only wants to drink.  My wife and I are tired because Gallant is waking up every two or three hours during the night, hungry again.

He weighs 19.2 pounds, which is about what Smiley weighed at one year.  He is a much bigger baby.  This sometimes confuses my intuition or my wife's.  Shouldn't he be doing this-or-that by now?  Smiley did so, when he was that big.  Then we remember there is a three or four month "gap" between the two boys for developmental age and physical size.

Gallant is balancing better when standing.  He still needs to hold on to something, but only barely.

He likes banging things against the walls or his high chair tray.  Bang, bang, bang!

He has developed that cute but annoying baby game of Not Quite Sharing:
  1. He holds up a toy or food item with an outstretched arm.
  2. Sometimes, but not always, he lets us take it from him.
  3. He laughs if I put the object in my mouth or bop myself on the chest or forehead with it.
  4. If he did let go, I give it back to him.
  5. Repeat until the sun burns out.

He loves knocking down towers.  Fortunately, I Smiley loves building towers with blocks or empty coffee cans for his brother to knock down.

He really loves Smiley's toy truck that goes by itself with batteries.  He will chase it, turn it on and off, toss it, and chew on it.  Balls are also good to chase, toss, and chew--especially if they make noise when shaken.

Because the gluten-free teething biscuit recipe I tried for Smiley never worked great, today I tried making baby-safe pancakes.  That did not work very well.  I'll try another version later this week.

Today he did his first climbing.  He has often tried before to get a knee up on top of a stair or other small height.  Tonight he actually climbed up on top of mommy as she lay on her back on the floor.

Today he also pushed a toy car across the floor for the first time.  Before he would often push a toy car back and forth in front of him.  But tonight he crawled along with it, pushing it twice across the floor.

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