Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Eyes of Shabbat Shuvah

Today is Shabbat Shuvah, the weekly Shabbat during the ten Days of Awe.

Here is my favorite liturgy from a High Holy Day prayerbook, which beautifully captures the theme of today (and all the Days of Awe).
On this day we try to see ourselves as we will appear on the actual Day of Judgment.

On this day it matters not who has money, but who will enjoy a royal inheritance from God and who will be sent lacking into darkness.

On this day it matters not who is orphaned or widowed, but who calls God "loving Father" and who is called by God "faithful child".

On this day it matters not who is married or single, but who God calls "my Beloved" and also "Bride of Messiah".

On this day it matters not who has hurt us. We see how we have hurt others.

On this day it matters not who has disappointed us. We see how we have disappointed God.

On this day it matters not who struggles with sin most visibly. We acknowledge that we all struggle, and seek repentance, and ask God to soon and speedily send the day that will change us and the world to be free from all temptation and suffering and evil.

On this day we try to see ourselves as we will appear on the actual Day of Judgment. And during the Days of Awe we learn to always see ourselves that way.

May we open our eyes as we open a new calendar.

May we walk through our days with feet firmly planted in God's future.

May we fulfill our roles and duties in This World with love and strength provided by the World to Come.

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