Saturday, November 27, 2021

When I Learned the Mad Scientist Laugh and Gesture are Instinctual

It is November, so time to share this story.

Gallant was only three, and owned only a few dollars in his "treasure box" (a plastic tool box).

We were at Costco. I knew he loved hot cocoa. It was November and the boxes of powdered hot cocoa mix were once again on sale.

I asked him if he wanted to spend $4 on hot cocoa. He thought for a long time. That was almost all his money! But he did love hot cocoa.

He said yes, so I lifted a box onto his lap. Only then did he realize this was not a single serving, but fifty cups of hot cocoa!

He tilted his head back and instinctively cackled loudly like a mad scientist "Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" and even did the gesture of lifting his hands claw-like to the heavens.

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