Sunday, August 20, 2006

Tao of Yeshua: Chapter 13

Honor and shame are both sources of pride.
A disaster has value as your own body.
What is the meaning of: "Honor and shame are both sources of pride"?
Receiving honor or shame will threaten humility by causing you to worry about yourself.
That is the meaning of: "Honor and shame are both sources of pride"?
What is the meaning of: "A disaster has value as your own body"?
The reason why I suffer disasters is that I have a body.
As soon as I have no body—or if I had no sense of self—what disaster could I suffer?
Therefore, only he who is willing to give his body for the sake of All-under-heaven may be entrusted with All-under-heaven.
Only he who can give it with selfless love is worthy of ruling All-under-heaven.

When we look at Adonai and not ourselves,
We experience divine grace, and care not about honor or shame.
Whose judgment matters besides Adonai’s?
What in this world can harm us?
Yeshua was willingly to selflessly suffer death for the sake of the world.
So the Father deemed him worthy of ruling the world.